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安東、聖修百里(Antoine de St.-Exupery)(1900-1944)是法國貴族之後,集飛行員、探險家、作家、詩人、國家英雄於一身。他以44歲的「超齡」,仍然參加第二次世界大戰,在一次進行偵察任務的飛行當中,消失在地中海的上空。聖修百里的妻子康綏蘿(Consuelo)是拉丁美洲人,美艷不可方物。他們的婚姻如在颶風中的風眼中渡過,但又愛得難捨難分;康綏蘿是聖修百里不能共同生活但又不能缺少的女人,是他寫作的繆思。 《玫瑰情書》一劇旨在把聖修百里和康綏蘿謎一般的愛情與婚姻、探險家的天地、詩人洞悉的世情和愛國者的情懷一鑪共冶,訴說一個震撼人心的故事。



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1990-1944), a descendant of French nobility, led a legendary life. He was a pilot, adventurer, writer, poet and national hero, all in one. He was also a patriot. Saint-Exupéry joined the Second War World at the ripe old age of 44, and disappeared on a reconnaissance mission flying over the Mediterranean Sea. He married but once in his lifetime. His wife Consuelo Suncin, a South American beauty, was already twice widowed when she married Saint-Exupéry. They seemed to spend their marriage life at the “eye” of a hurricane, as though each had numerous lovers, they loved each other and were inseparable in every way. The relationship was both unusual and colourful, and some said Consuelo was the woman with which Saint-Exupéry could neither live with or without. Her presence influenced his writings–the main character in The Little Prince is based on the author himself and his difficulties in coping with Rose was influenced by Consuelo. The Little Prince was Saint-Exupéry’s declaration of love for his wife. He disappeared over an air combat zone after the book was published, sparking much speculation and theory.


The play Rose Love Letters aims to throw into a crucible the mythical love and marriage of Saint-Exupéry and Consuelo, the world of an adventurer, the insights of a poet and a patriot’s passion, relating a striking and inspiring story in the process. This drama also introduces the new production methods of Prospect Theatre, one which includes universal values, social reflection, academic rigour and the types of original theatrical drama suitable to sophisticated audiences.




編劇 / 導演:      蔡錫昌


音響設計:         黃伸強

服裝設計:         袁玉英

造型及化妝設計﹕  陳明朗



鄧偉傑、曾棱尉、杜施聰 、陳慧仙​、盧偉力、周其志、蔡玟軒、鐘寶強、黃埰寧、余世騰、黃劍冰、古靜雯




日期:2014年10月3、4日 晚上7時30分,

          10月5日下午2時30分 (共3場)



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